Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Geometry-The Euclid Theorem Part1

The Euclid Theorem, also known as  射影定理, can be used when there's an triangle like this (Not really): 

As can be seen, m∠ABC=90° and BD⊥AC
The following statements are true based on the given information.

1. (BD)^2=AD*DC,2.(AB)^2=AD*AC ,3.(BC)^2=CD*CA , 4.AB*BC=AC*BD

Proof for the the first statement: 
Since m∠BDC=90
m∠DBC+m∠C=90 (corollary to the triangle sum theorem)
and SInce m∠ABC=90
m∠A+m∠C=90   (corollary to the triangle sum theorem)
for the same reason
Since ∠C∠ABD and m∠BDA=m∠BDC=90
By the Angle-Angle Similarity Postulate
Therefore AD/BD=BD/CD

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